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Christmas is Coming!

There’s only 10 more days until Christmas. It’s too late to order a lot of things that require shipping overseas. I’ll still be able to ship things for a few days and get it to you in time for Christmas but you’d better hurry. I don’t profit from Shipping so if you decide you want your gift to be expedited by using Express Mail or overnight that option is available to you for the same cost it would be at the post office. I offer original art and calligraphy Plus Prince of my original art and Christmas cards. I also offer printmaking art each print his hand pulled from the Press and signed and numbered.

Remember you can also order any of my ebooks from Amazon and they’re delivered instantly no shipping required.

My prices I competitive and fair. I hope you get everything you want this holiday season. Bless you and your family and your friends. Bless us all peace on Earth and Goodwill towards men.

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Original Art Sale!

Original Art, including paintings and calligraphy is being discounted to 33%off!

Now that’s something to be thankful for! 

Just enter code 33oas at checkout to receive discount!

If you see a print you like and would like to purchase the original, contact us to see if it is available.

Offer only applies to original works of art, such as paintings and calligraphy. Prints, cards & printmaking are excluded.

Offer expires 11/22/19

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Big Summer Blowout!


Use the coupon code: SUMMER19 to get 25% off your entire purchase!

Offer good through July 24 2019. Not good with any other offer. May not be used to purchase membership. Offer Only applies to sales made at Does not apply to books sold on

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Introducing Membership

We here at are proud to announce we now offer premium, elite, tooty fruity, fancy smansy, hoity toity membership status! Quite. For the refined connoisseur, who.. Oh who are we kidding? You wanna save 20%? For just $20, you can save 20% off everything in the store at, for an entire year! No jacket required.

To join, click here.


Books purchased on linked through this website are not eligible for discount.

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Danu Goddess of the Primordial Waters

“Rolled in the midst of never-ceasing currents flowing without rest forever onward.” Rig Veda1,32,10.

Halloween is coming, and with it, Samhain, the ancient, pagan holiday from which it is derived. Samhain is the Celtics holiday which marks the coming of winter and the death of the deciduous plant life for the year. By extention, it also memorializes all the life that has past that year. This passing from the life of Spring and Summer to the death of Fall and Winter is where the idea of Ghosts and Otherworld creatures roaming our world comes from.

The Goddess of the ancient Celts is called Danu. You will be told that this Goddess is specific to the Irish Celts, but the river Danube which runs through Germany is named for her as well. There is another water Goddess even farther from Ireland named Danu. In India. While researching Danu, for a painting this Halloween I found mention of her, and the belief by some that they are the same Goddess. I found that the Indian version of Danu, which is in the Rig Veda, has been demonized just as the European one has. In India she is the mother of Vitra the dragon, who is defeated by indra. Finding out she’s a dragon only makes me like her even more. Here is an abstract painting of her, rendered in ink in honor of Inktober.

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Friends Always

When I was a kid, there was a phrase that meant “great!” It was, “Out of sight!”. “Man, this cheeseburger is out of sight!” usually, “out-a-sight!”  I was going to to call this painting “Friends are out of sight!” because friends are great, and each of these 3 friends are there for each other even when they are invisible. Ghosts dissappear, black cats can’t be seen in the dark, and the moon seems to disappear once a month. With these three particular friends, they are still right there even when they can’t be seen, but real friends are there for you even when they’re not actually there. You know they will stand up for you, and encourage you, and protect you even when you are apart. Now, that’s “Out of sight!”