Though she be small, she is mighty and fierce. Discount her fury at your peril for her purpose is just & her will is unbreakable.
Alive is a land which lurks in the mist
Afar is a font where the fairy folk fly
Many are the men who murmur, “It does not exist.”
For fear of the foe who flit by the eye
Some say the secret to seeing the fae
Is to speak what you seek at the end of the day
As the daylight dusk darkens & purples the sky
The stars start to sparkle & you solemnly say:
“Ethereal elves, spirits & sprites, pixies & brownies and fairies delight
Dryads & naiads, sirens & sylphs;
Tuatha de Danann, Come visit tonight!
A light hum emanated for the dew covered daisies and daffodils springing in the meadow
A glinting, gleaming gossamer flicker of flying, flashing feathery fluff
Was the only glimpse of the sundrenched lemon drop sprite
Spinning lazily in the early morning light.
As the slow, sultry summer sings sunny, slothful Saturday
The shadows sweep silently, stealthily, sinkingly, towards sunset
The twinkling twilight tells its tale of the tail end of the day
And darkness descends.
When dusk’s disc disappears, drowning in darkness
Shadow upon shadow shields the secrets seeking solace, silently safe from sight
Never knowing comfort Hardly hearing howling horrors
Hiding, biding, biting
crawling, calling, bawling
Through the night.
Falling fearful foul, freak fancies flying; filled with fiery fright.
Call the faeries all the fae, luminous and bright
glimmering with glamour
glittering and gossamer
and glowing with delight
Banishing theĀ banshee
Shining hope and joy
And life & love & light.
On that moonless dark night
Oh, how the nightmares come
In mists and in shrouds
With long curving fangs
And glistening malevolent eyes
Beating their bat wings
The gargoyles growling tails
Twitching they descended upon the babe, to feast upon his fear
The Fae, they were waiting
Ready with bows & blades
& pikes & spear to defend the boy child from the demonic host
In that babe’s room of smiling suns & plush bunnies, the battle ensued
Silver flashed in the dim light and arrows flew
Sharp teeth & claws, forked tails & gleaming eyes
The battle was fought and shone in the sleeping babe’s dreams
Shrouded in shadow, the muffled thumps and clash of blades frightened the child
As any haunting horror
The grand production featured the fae and the demon battle
The violence fed the fevered visions of the innocent.